Odoo ERP Implementation Service

Get flawless Odoo ERP implementation services. I assure high-quality service and 100% satisfaction for all my Odoo client

Odoo Implementation Key Features

ERP Solutions with a full potential solution with
 Odoo ERP benefits

Odoo’s energetic reporting system provides reports in PDFs, Excel/CSVsStable Operation

To reduce the risk of cyber attacks we ensure that only authorized users can access or read your data

After the Implementation or Migration, we also help you with errors and bugs for your system

Odoo’s energetic reporting system provides reports in PDFs, Excel/CSVsStable Operation

Process of Odoo Implementation

Business Analysis

Conducting a thorough analysis of the client's business processes, requirements, & objectives to determine the optimal Odoo configuration & module selection.

System Design & Configuration

Design & Configure the Odoo system according to your specific needs, including defining apps, workflows, user roles, access controls, & system settings.

Data Migration

Transferring data from your legacy systems or other platforms to Odoo while ensuring data integrity, accuracy, & consistency.

System Integration

Integrating Odoo with existing systems & applications, such as CRM, accounting, inventory management, e-commerce platforms, or payment gateways.

Customization & Development

Customizing Odoo modules or developing new modules to match unique business requirements, workflows, & industry-specific functionalities.

Testing & Quality Assurance

Performing thorough testing of the Odoo implementation to ensure system stability, functionality, & data accuracy before going live.

End-user training and support

Educate Users about how to use the product. This is done through recorded videos and tutorials. Provide support services for any issues or bugs raised while using the product.


In Go Live, the software is launched and made available to the client’s customers for use. Provide local support during business hours depending on how complex the project is.

Odoo Implementation Cost

Initial Package


Business Package


Enterprise Package


25 Hours

50 Hours

100 Hours

Odoo Deployment In Server

Odoo Deployment In Server

Odoo Deployment In Server

Odoo Implementation

Odoo Implementation

Odoo Implementation

Configure All Apps

Configure All Apps

Configure All Apps


Limited customization

Unlimited Customization



Munzurul Hasan Portfolio


Direct Contact

Questions That Arise in Your Mind

Well! there are many reasons for the rising prominence of Odoo in the business market. The key element is being open-source. This helps the business from vendor lock-in, higher software costs, and constrained functionalities. In the case of Odoo, the application is constantly improvised by the large community of Odoo developers guaranteeing the enterprise a stronger and up-to-date application.

The whole process kicks off from gathering your new business requirements and assessing current business procedures. With the help of ERP consultants, the business workflow is critically analyzed, unearthed the pain points, and later proposed with optimal solutions to fix the holes. The analysis is either done onsite or offsite. Via sitting together with the key resources of the business, a gap analysis is done, also documented an ERP implementation planning. Once everything gets structured, an ERP implementation project plan is released. 

We serve all industries like Manufacturing, Trading, Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Human Resource, POS, eCommerce, CRM, etc. No matter the industry, a qualitative and successful ERP implementation is deployed at customers end by our side.

The cost of Odoo implementation depends upon software licensing, hosting, number of modules, and the total number of users. The cost usually varies from 499 USD to 50,000 USD.

Yes, Odoo is a suitable option for eCommerce and marketplace businesses as it offers a streamlined approach to managing all business operations. It is a comprehensive suite of applications, including eCommerce and content management systems, allowing for effective online business management with Odoo ERP services. 

Odoo Implementation service is the implementation of Odoo modules and Odoo apps (Odoo was previously known as Open ERP and Tiny ERP). Odoo ERP is a suite of open-source business applications/ enterprise management applications.

Odoo is the best ERP software for businesses who want customized ERP solution according to their specific business requirements. It is flexible as its source code is customizable. Any company can use Odoo and add their own features for improving functionality.

Odoo implementation checklist is a list of tasks or steps that need to be followed to successfully implement Odoo ERP software for your business need. Odoo’s implementation process involves various phases, such as planning, analysis, configuration, customization, testing, training, and deployment. Each phase may require different data, information, resources, and activities to complete.

Some common items that can be included in a general Odoo implementation checklist are:

  • Documentation of existing business processes and common problems.
  • Defining requirements and functionalities required in the application.
  • Setting an appropriate timeline and budget for the project
    Choosing a suitable Odoo edition (CE or EE), version, and deployment (on-premise or cloud).
  • Configuring Odoo settings, such as country, time zone, currency, fiscal year, closing period, users, access rights, etc.
  • Odoo module customisation according to specific business needs and preferences
  • Developing any custom modules or integrations
    Importing the existing data into Odoo using CSV files or APIs.
  • Testing to check functionality, performance, usability, security, and compatibility issues.
  • Training the end-users to use Odoo effectively and efficiently.
  • Deploying the Odoo application, ensuring a smooth transition from old to new system.

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